Our Governors

Our Governors

Our Governors

Our Governors

Our Governors

Our Governors

You are here: Home 5 Our School 5 Our Governors

Annual Statement

Getting Involved


NGA Skills Audit

Action Plan

Register of Business Interests

Terms of Office

The Governing Body consists of a combination of people nominated, appointed, elected or co-opted by the City Council, the Parish Council, local community, staff and parents.

School Governors help the Head Teacher and staff to achieve the aims of the school. Governors work as a whole (Full Governing Body) or within a committee, of which there are three responsible for:

  • Resources (Finance, Personnel; Health and Safety and Buildings and Property)
  • Teaching and Learning (including Data Analysis and staffing)
  • Pupil Support

The Governors spend a morning each term visiting classrooms in school and seeing the children enthused by learning.

The Senior Leadership Team are held to account by the Governors and each member attends at least two Governing Body meetings a year.

In July an additional Teaching and Learning Committee meeting is held (with all governors invited) where reports on the school year are presented by the SLT, before questions are asked by the Governing Body to quantify statements.

We are very proud of the rigorous, hands on approach by our wonderful governors, as we seek to make Parklands the greatest school in Leeds. 

If you wish to contact one of the Governing Body, please contact the school office for details.

For more information about becoming a Governor or getting involved with the Governing body please click on ‘Getting Involved’ for an information document.