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Behaviour Policy

Behaviour Principles Statement

Care and Control Policy

Parklands Primary is an inclusive school that meets the needs of a range of children – this includes those with complex family backgrounds, as well as those with a range of special educational needs.

At Parklands, we pride ourselves in providing a safe environment in which our children are nurtured, are able to grow to become independent learners and thus succeed in our ever changing society. Our aim is for all children at Parklands to become confident, independent and happy learners.

There are times when some children need additional help to manage, understand and articulate their emotions. Children who find it most difficult to conform to ‘good behaviour’ need to be treated with respect and made to feel valued.

Effective teaching and learning is dependent upon positive relationships between staff and all pupils, as well as peer on peer relationships. It is essential that staff are consistent when enforcing the school rules with high expectations and are able to challenge unacceptable behaviour, in a solution focused response.

At Parklands we have based our policy on an overwhelmingly positive approach towards managing behaviour. The policy is based on high expectations, praise and incentives – and only when required, will sanctions be enforced. The success of our policy will not be tested by the absence of problems, but the way in which we deal with them.


At Parklands we aim to:

  • provide a safe environment where learning is enjoyable;
  • offer a knowledge-rich, engaging and challenging curriculum;
  • promote healthy, positive relationships in school and within the community;
  • help each individual to discover and develop new skills;
  • provide challenge and support to achieve high standards;
  • encourage and support children to become well rounded, self- disciplined, respectful, moral and caring individuals;
  • develop the mental wellbeing of all pupils.


School Ethos


Positive behaviour is consistently reinforced throughout school. Parklands uses a restorative approach, linking with the PSHE curriculum, where pupils explore self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy as well as social skills. Children are provided with consistent positive encouragement and recognition when they demonstrate positive behaviour. They are supported to make the right choices and learn how to problem solve.


School Rules


The school rules clearly define the high standard of behaviour that we expect in school. They are referred to frequently by all members of staff, encouraging our children to be positive in all they do and creating a safe, happy environment for pupils to work in.

These rules are set out below:

SCHOOL RULES agreed with School Council, staff and governors:



As a school we work towards “whole school” incentives and rewards in order to recognise and celebrate good behaviour, good attitudes to learning and good attendance.

Our whole school incentives are:

  • Star of the Week – this is one chosen child from each class, who has demonstrated the weekly ‘Parklands Value’ – thus constantly reinforcing the values and attitudes of the school – displayed excellent behaviour or attitude to learning. Each child will receive a certificate in the celebration assembly and a sausage sandwich in the morning, as a reward from the Head Teacher.


  • Going for Gold – any child who finishes the day on the gold rung of the class reward ladder, will receive a small reward from their class teacher. Children have the chance to move onto gold throughout the day with the reward as an incentive. Children start each day on green with positive behaviour taking them up to gold. If a child has been on time out or removed from class, they will stay on orange or red and earn their way back to gold from there.


  • Most Improved Attender – this is a weekly reward for two children – one in KS1 and one in KS2. The chosen children will receive a certificate in the celebration assembly and a sausage sandwich in the morning, as a reward from the Head Teacher. Attendance is monitored weekly, so this is an incentive to improve Whole School Attendance and no child is exempt from having the opportunity to win this reward.