SEND Information

SEND Information

SEND Information

SEND Information

SEND Information

SEND Information

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Special Educational Needs and Inclusion

Parklands Primary is dedicated to ensuring that all pupils are nurtured and valued as unique individuals and are given the tools to access a curriculum, which inspires and supports their learning, regardless of their starting points. We give the highest priority to ensuring that all pupils are provided with strategies, that enable them to make their best progress and feel supported and included, regardless of ability or circumstance. We work in partnership with pupils, parents/carers and other agencies to provide the best possible educational outcomes for all our pupils, including those with a range of additional and complex needs. The school’s effective SEND policy and procedures, ensure early interventions provide prompt and appropriate support, for all pupils with additional needs, allowing them to fulfil the high expectations we have for them.


Every child at Parklands Primary belongs to our inclusive community regardless of gender, race, ability, religion and care status. At Parklands we ensure that every child who walks through our doors is treated equally and any barriers to learning are overcome, so that each child is able to reach their full potential both academically and emotionally. Every child can fully participate in every aspect of school life. Our main objective is to safeguard the interests of all children and to ensure that they have the opportunity to join in fully with their peers in the curriculum and the life of the school. As a school, we aim to develop and maintain a sense of community and belonging and encourage all members of the school to support each other. We have a particularly strong sense of community and belonging here at Parklands and the children are very proud to come to our school because of this.