Duty of Care

Duty of Care

Duty of Care

Duty of Care

Duty of Care

Duty of Care

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Duty of Care Statement September 2023

At our school, we believe that all children have the right to be treated with the same care and dignity as we would expect outside of school.

  • We will listen to children.
  • We will maintain best practice safeguarding policy and procedure.
  • We will keep the environment safe
  • We will keep children safe on line
  • We will protect children from bullying
  • We will try to stamp out racism
  • We will ensure that only trained staff can use positive handling with children
  • We will risk assess potentially harmful/ dangerous situations and activities
  • We will provide basic first aid to children who have hurt themselves and let you know either by letter and/or by phone that an accident or injury has happened
  • We will supervise and maintain full supervision of children who are unwell and make contact with you to let you know
  • We will remind parents at all events and performances that any photographs taken are not to be shared on social media.

Please ask to see our key policies:
Child Protection
Acceptable Use ICT
Bullying Policy
Racist Incidents Policy
Educational Visits policy
Qualified 1st aiders list
Care and Control Policy
Behaviour Policy
Medicines Policy