PE & Sport Premium

PE & Sport Premium

PE & Sport Premium

PE & Sport Premium

PE & Sport Premium

PE & Sport Premium

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Parklands Sport funding 2023/24


We are proud to have invested money in providing high quality PE using PE coaches. This is in addition to the Sport Premium money as we value fitness and team games here at Parklands. The children therefore benefit from great coaching meaning, high quality learning all round – everyone’s a winner and we all get fit! In Year 4 children learn to swim at least 25 metres using one stroke and can perform a self-rescue from the water. This includes children in our Resource Provision.


Parklands Vision for PE 2023/24


PE and sport play a very important part in the life of Parklands Primary and at least two hours per week are dedicated to physical activity in the curriculum. We believe that physical education and sport contribute to the holistic development of young people allowing them to express themselves outside the classroom. Through participation in sport and physical education, young people learn more about key values such as teamwork, fair play and respect for themselves and for others. We have found that our extensive PE and Sport Curriculum has had a massive impact on both the health and the behaviour of our pupils.

There is significant evidence to show the positive effects of sport and exercise on children’s physical health, growth and development. Furthermore, sport also provides a healthy environment for young people to learn how to deal with competition and how to cope with both winning and losing.

Our high-quality PE curriculum offers a wide variety of activities both in and out of curriculum time. Our children learn that being active is fun and an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. At the beginning of their school life our children learn and explore basic movement skills, they develop these skills throughout their time at Parklands Primary and leave as confident movers able to play a wide range of sports.

At Foundation Stage and KS1, our children experience dance, games, athletics, gymnastics and lessons in fundamental movement and multi-skills. At KS2 in addition to those taught earlier, pupils also have lessons in swimming which include water confidence, safety and stroke technique. Our children enjoy outdoor and adventurous activities through our year group residentials.

The activities on offer outside of our curriculum time are run on a lunch time and after school. The clubs on offer will vary depending on the time of year. Our clubs are always very popular and are run by teachers, teaching assistants and fully qualified coaches. At the beginning of each term club letters are sent out and parents have a set period of time to apply for places. We endeavour to give every child a place in a club or more than one if it is possible, however on the rare occasion a child is unsuccessful, they will be placed on a reserve list and guaranteed a place in the next block of clubs.


General Physical Education Activities


BMX – the children enjoy an afternoon learning how to ride BMX bikes and ride over ramps as a result of our links with the former Team GB cyclist – Phil Bateman. This is for KS1 and KS2 children twice a year.

Northern Ballet – the children will take part in workshops during the academic year. They are given the opportunity to watch a Northern Ballet production here at school.

PGL – the Y6 children take part in a 3-day residential in February. The outdoor activities here are incredible along with the brilliant opportunities for the children to work alongside each other, encouraging cooperation and team building skills.

Yorkshire Camps – the Y4 children take part in a three day residential at Yorkshire Camps – the outdoor activities include walking and climbing.

Full competitive sporting activities are offered throughout the year.

Swimming Lessons – the Y4 children and those children in RP take part in weekly swimming lessons.

Below are the percentage of pupils within our year 6 cohort, who met the National Curriculum requirement to:


swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres


use a range of strokes effectively


perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations




Investment and Impact 23/24 (further additions through the year)


Government Grant: £19,390





Lunchtime Sports Clubs



·  focused lunchtime helps with behaviour in the afternoons;

·  they allow energy to be channelled in a positive way and self-discipline and self-confidence is much improved;

·  CPD for lunchtime staff has been organised to ensure this is sustainable for the future

Commando Joes’s



·  provision of activity training for PE staff and equipment for ongoing workshops throughout the school year – and future years to come

Now Press Play


£   360

·  helps our children build their knowledge of places and situations

·  the boxes provided can now be used year on year

Artis Foundation



·  children reap the benefit of a creative education

·  this will be bought into for the foreseeable future

Rock Kidz



·  children are given the opportunity to learn important life lessons through high-energy rock star workshops

·  workshops are immersive experiences that use music to boost students’ self-esteem, mental health, and overall wellbeing

Cycling Proficiency

Summer Term

£   950

·  children learn a vital life skill

·  to be repeated each year, as this is invaluable

Action Mats


£   720

·  used throughout the PE Curriculum

·  mats provided can now be used year on year

Swimming Lessons

weekly 33 weeks per year



·  children learn to swim to the national curriculum standard 25m unaided

·  this will be sustained each year as this is part of the National Curriculum and an important life skill

Inter-School Competition


£  500 (transport)

·  provides a wide range of    experiences and challenges for our young people

·   there is a clear correlation between increased levels of participation in sport and raised levels of attainment and progress

·   links with other primary schools will ensure this continues




Total Government Grant:



Total School Funding:





The improvements we are making to our PE and Sports Curriculum, enable us to strive towards having healthy and active children, who are both competitive and fair minded. It is great to win, but equally important to lose with grace. With our children participating in a variety of school competitions, alongside our after school and lunchtimes clubs, which are currently at maximum capacity, we pride ourselves in providing a range of opportunities for children in both key stages.

In providing these opportunities, we are improving the overall health and fitness of our children here at Parklands – but that is only half the battle. We believe memory, focus, motor skills and cognitive development can also be vastly improved when regularly engaging in PE lessons. Building social skills and friendships during PE, can help boost self-esteem, and in doing so, improve a child’s mental health and personal development.

We pride ourselves on our sport participation and our achievement. See below:


Achievements to Date:

Y5/6 Christmas Football Tournament Champions 2023

Y6 Football Champions 2018.

Y5 Football 3rd place 2017 and 2nd place 2019

Y4 Football Champions 2016 runners up 2018 and 2019

Girls Football runners up 2019

Y5/6 Tag Rugby Champions 2017, runners up 2018

Y5/Y6 Cricket Finalists 2015 – 2019

Y4 Cricket Champions 2018 and 2019

Y5 / Y6 East Silk World Cup Football 3rd place 2021

Y5/ Y6 Girls World Cup Football Winners 2022


The Artis Foundation

We are delighted to work with The Artis Foundation every week to ensure that every child reaps the benefits of a creative education at Parklands Primary. Artis and Parklands firmly believe in the transformative power of the performing arts to change lives. We ensure that the children in Reception, Y1 and Y2 integrate the arts throughout their learning.