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Uniform Policy

At Parklands, we pride ourselves in being smart, well presented but most importantly ready for learning. Our school uniform promotes a sense of pride in our school and helps create a sense of community and belonging towards our school.

It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in school-organised events outside normal school hours – this is compulsory.

We do not have a branded uniform – uniform does not need to be purchased from a specific retailer – which means that all uniform is easily available, at very competitive prices, at local shops including supermarkets and can be bought from second hand retailers. Lost property is collected at the end of each term and what is not claimed, is sold on a ‘Pay as you Feel’ stall as second-hand uniform.


Please see below a reminder of the uniform expectations. This is to be worn throughout the year:


  • dark grey jumper, sweatshirt or cardigan; 
  • white polo shirt or shirt;
  • black trousers/leggings/shorts/skirt;
  • plain black tights; 
  • black shoes, appropriate for outdoor use.
  • green and white checked dress (summer uniform only).


The only permitted jewellery that may be worn is:

  • one pair of stud earrings (no other piercings are permitted);
  • a sensible wristwatch (not a smartwatch).


School accepts NO responsibility for lost items.


Parklands endeavours to ensure that our uniform is as gender neutral and inclusive as possible. We do not insist that children of any sex must wear specific items of clothing.


P.E. Kit
Children are to come dressed in their PE kits and stay in them all day.


  • black zipper/ hoodie/ jumper;
  • black tracksuit bottoms/leggings/shorts;
  • white T-shirt;
  • black trainers.


Our PE days are as follows:

Reception – Thursday
Year 1 – Tuesday
Year 2 – Wednesday
Year 3 – Tuesday
Year 4 – Wednesday
Year 5 – Monday
Year 6 – Thursday


Swimming Kit
Children in Year 4 go swimming. Please send them with a costume and towel.