Supporting Children’s Mental Health

Supporting Children’s Mental Health

Supporting Children’s Mental Health

Supporting Children’s Mental Health

Supporting Children’s Mental Health

Supporting Children’s Mental Health

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We are currently living through extremely challenging times, and now perhaps more than ever, looking after our mental health and well-being is of paramount importance to us all.

What do I do if I am worried about my child’s mental health or wellbeing?

You can:

  • Talk to your child’s class teacher or teaching assistant about your child’s needs or your concerns.
  • Lead staff members to contact if you are concerned about your child’s mental health: Ms Woodcock (SENDCO), Mrs Darley (Headteacher), Mrs Rennison (Deputy Headteacher), Mrs Richardson & Mrs Graham.
  • Go to your GP as a port of call as they are a useful place to gain medical support and signposting of local services, or speak to a School Nurse. Referrals for the School Nurse service can be made both through your GP and through school.
  • The Education Psychology Service has a helpline for parents available daily 9 – 11.30. Tel: 0116 305 5100.
  • Young Minds – The Parents Helpline is available to offer advice to anyone worried about a child or young person under 25. You may have questions about a child’s behaviour, emotional well-being, or mental health condition. You may have a child who’s already been admitted to CAMHS and have questions about their treatment or want to know what to say to your GP when you visit them. Call 0808 802 5544 or visit the website.
  • Early Help – children and family well-being service. Parents can make a referral for support from a Well-being Practitioner via the Leeds Council.

Refer to Early Help using the ‘Request for Services’ form via the green box at the bottom of the page or call the Children and Family Well-being Service on 0116 305 8727 for more information.

The Early Help team can provide help through groups such as Bounce Back (for children aged 8-13 children who are worried/anxious – low-level concerns) and through cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) interventions in order to help children manage and understand their anxiety. There is also a Parental Mental Health – group support for parents who have increasing anxieties around emotional, health and well-being.

Early Help Well-being Practitioners have been trained as part of the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) initiative. Well-being Practitioners are able to offer CBT based interventions to support children and young people experiencing common mental health difficulties. 

Wellbeing Practitioners can work with children and young people (CYP) experiencing any of the following.

  • Low mood                                                       
  • Worry
  • Generalised anxiety & social anxiety
  • Panic
  • Sleep problems due to anxiety/low-mood
  • Simple phobias (excluding blood, needles and vomit)
  • Stress management

For information and resources re: understanding and improving mental health and well-being, contact MIND. Tel: 0300 123 3393

Advice for parents and carers: talking mental health with young people at primary school

This leaflet which was created alongside the Talking Mental Health Animation & Toolkit, features an introduction from our Patron, Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge who supported the You’re never too young to talk mental health campaign stating the campaign’s resources “demonstrate how we can help children express their feelings, respond appropriately, and prevent small problems from snowballing into bigger ones.”

Dealing with anxiety –

Young minds parents’ survival guide –

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families –

Useful Booklets/Publications:

 Public Health England How Healthy Behaviour Supports Children’s Wellbeing
 Mental Health Parent Leaflet Anna Freud Centre
 Wellbeing Booklist
 The Anxious Child Booklet for Parents
 Worry Doll Instructions
 You need to know guide for parents
 10 key areas to happier living poster
 Relaxation tips for bedtime
 Sleep and Diet Parent Leaflet
 Bedtime routine for Parents
 Mindfulness Booklet A brief guide
 Bereavement Resources
 Schools Information Pack – Bereavement

Young Minds Publications offers information on a variety of mental health issues from school problems to mental illness in families.

Young Minds Parents Guide To Support A-Z gives you advice on how to help your child with specific mental health conditions, and life events which might be negatively affecting their wellbeing. They also show you where you can get help:– Quality-assured information, advice and resources to help primary schools understand and promote children’s mental health and wellbeing.

Feelings tracker:  Tracking My Feelings.pdf

Anxiety thermometer:  Anxiety Thermometer.pdf

Mindfulness calendar:  Mindfulness Calendar Daily 5 Minute Activities.pdf

Parent’s Guide to Childhood Anxiety – Knowing the symptoms, how to talk to and support your child with anxiety:

Supporting pupils’ emotional wellbeing and mental health, so that they can be listened to, are happy together and ready to learn is vitally important to us. Therefore, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.