School Clubs

School Clubs

School Clubs

School Clubs

School Clubs

School Clubs

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Breakfast Club

Experts tell us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and that children who eat a good breakfast achieve higher grades in school, than children who do not eat breakfast. Of course we want our children to do well in school, so we hold a Breakfast Club for everyone, every morning from 8:00 am.

We are proud to be in partnership with the Award Winning Magic Breakfast, providing healthy breakfasts for our pupils, so that they are settled and ready to learn during the day ahead.

We ask that you send £1 a day for Breakfast Club. Children can choose from fruit juice, cereal, porridge and bagels.

At Breakfast Club children can read, help out and perhaps finish their homework. There is a weekly Geography Challenge, which the children are encouraged to participate in.

After School Clubs

We offer a variety of After School Clubs which our children can attend.

You may apply for as many clubs as you like for your child – but we try and ensure every child gets at least one club. You will be notified if your child has been successful.

To attend the clubs, your child needs to adhere to the Behaviour Policy. If your child receives 2 red marks on their class Behaviour Chart in a half term, their place may be taken off them.