Our School Day

Our School Day

Our School Day

Our School Day

Our School Day

Our School Day

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The school day starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm. Children need to be in school for 8.45am – this is compulsory. Registers will close at 9.00am, with children arriving after this time, being issued with a ‘late’ mark.

School is open for a total of 32.5 hours a week.


Morning Playtimes

All children in KS1 and KS 2 have a morning playtime at 10:45am. All morning playtimes last for 15 minutes. Children in Reception, Y1, Y2 and Y3 play out on the KS1 playground whilst children in Y4 through to Y6 play out on the KS2 playground.



Lunchtimes are slightly staggered. RP and Reception go for lunch at 11.45 am. KS1 have their lunch from 12 until 1pm. Year 3 have lunch at 12:10 until 1:00 pm, whilst our Years 4, 5 and 6 have lunch from 12.15 to 1.00pm. Children eat their actual lunch at staggered times and play outside on their respective playgrounds for the rest of the time.


Afternoon Playtimes

An afternoon playtime will be taken in Reception and Key Stage 1 at the discretion of staff, on split playgrounds.



We have two whole school assemblies each week – our Values Assembly on a Monday afternoon at 2.30pm and our Celebration Assembly every Friday, again at 2:30pm.

If your child has received Star of the Week for that week, we will invite you on the Thursday evening via text to join us.

We also hold extra assemblies on a Thursday morning, when we welcome visitors into school, or if there is a special occasion which needs celebrating.

In the second half of the Summer Term, year groups will also take part in ‘Showcase Assemblies’, which parents are invited to. This is an opportunity for parents to see the wealth of experiences our children have had during their time out of school.


Drop-off and Collection

At the beginning of the school day, parents are encouraged into the playground, to stand with their children. This helps build a close relationship between home and school – we would like to foster good links with all parents.

If normal collection arrangements are to change, (for example you are delayed or another person is collecting your child), please let the office know before collection time. This avoids any confusion or upset for your child.


Breakfast Club


Breakfast club offers a quality start to the day. The children can access art and craft activities, complete their homework or engage in the ‘Geography Weekly Challenge’.


We are proud to be partners with Magic breakfast; offering cereals; porridge; juice and bagels. All this will be provided for £1.00 per child per day. All children are entitled to attend Breakfast Club, which starts at 8.00am. Children will be supervised until they are taken to class at 8.45am.

Getting to school

Walking is definitely the best option, when considering how to get to and from school. There are lots of benefits: it is healthier than travelling by car, it improves the safety of pedestrians and road-users, it respects nearby residents and parking regulations and it helps us to protect our environment. Alternatively, we have bike-racks, which the children can use.

Again, if you are going to be late for school, or if your child is unable to attend for any reason, we ask that you contact the office as soon as possible, in line with our Attendance Policy.