History Skills Progression Map
History Guidance
History Assessment Grids
History and Geography form an important part of our curriculum. At Parklands Primary we strive to inspire our children to think inquisitively about the world around them, always asking questions and having the opportunity to investigate the past. History is all around us, influencing not just the past but the present too. Through exploring and asking those important questions, our children will recognise how the world and community around them has changed and why. We aim to help the children appreciate their own identity, as well as to think critically and communicate their thoughts and ideas confidently. By igniting curiosity through reflecting on the past, researching, debating, studying artefacts and evidence, the children will learn invaluable skills and knowledge which will help them in later life and give them the confidence they need to flourish. We follow the National curriculum and embrace a broad-spectrum of stimulating topics. As a school we aim to wholly develop each child’s geographical and historical skills, understanding and knowledge. Consequently, our lessons are well planned, highly engaging and challenge all abilities. Other curriculum areas are incorporated into learning to ensure high levels of motivation and interest from the children.
We teach a knowledge rich curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give all learners the skills needed to succeed in life.
History Curriculum
EYFS – History is taught through ‘the World Around Us’ and topics in which children learn through experiences in their own lives and that of their family, and changes within living memory.
KS1 – Children are taught about aspects of British History beyond living memory, significant events such as ‘the Great Fire of London’ in Y2 and the lives of significant people.
KS2 – Children are taught through topics which cover aspects of British History and these are taught in chronological order: Stone Age, Romans, Anglo-Saxons & Vikings, Victorians and World War 2. Each year group is also taught about an Ancient Civilisation.