Resource Provision

Resource Provision

Resource Provision

Resource Provision

Resource Provision

Resource Provision

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Mrs Barkakoti

Miss Sloper

Support Staff

Mrs Caslin

Mrs Hills

Mrs Maylio

Mrs Dawson

Miss Griffiths

Miss Duffy

Places in resource provision are allocated through the local authority consultation process and not directly through admissions. A place can be requested at a child’s annual EHCP review or when their initial EHCP is issued. To enter resource provision a child must have an EHCP in place. Our resource provision in school is for children with complex needs including those with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC).

The Resource Provision (RP) is set up to meet the complex learning needs of up to 25 children from reception to year 6; all of whom have an Educational Health Care Plan. The provision is a highly staffed and nurturing environment, providing excellent opportunities so that each child can maximise their learning potential.

Learning looks different for each of our children as it is bespoke to their individual needs. Some children follow a more curriculum based approach to learning, with lessons in, for example, English, Maths and Science. Lessons are catered to each child’s ability and learning style. Children are supported by an adult but have the opportunity and encouragement to develop their independent skills. For other children in RP, learning is play based with many opportunities to explore through sensory experiences either in our classroom, outside in our playground area or in our own multi-sensory room.

We endeavour to offer the children a wider learning experience with educational outings as well as visitors to school and weekly visits to the local soft play and organised swimming lessons. We also work closely with other professionals (outside of school) and have frequent conversations and strong relationships with families.

The Resource Provision allows children to become confident, sociable and independent learners. It is a place where individuals are celebrated.