Online Safety – Children

Online Safety – Children

Online Safety – Children

Online Safety – Children

Online Safety – Children

Online Safety – Children

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Stay Safe Online

The internet is great….games, chat rooms and finding out information! We want you to be completely safe when using the internet so that you enjoy and use it properly.

At Parklands we follow the SMART Rules:



If you would like to report abuse online or would like further advice and support, click on the links below: 

If you are worried about anything that happens online then you can talk to any of your trusted adults at school. Parents/Carers are also welcome to get in touch with any member of staff if you would like advice or support.


Online Safety for Pupils

This policy has been developed by the School Council. The children decided that after reading the School’s Online Safety Policy they wanted their own policy to help them keep safe on the Internet at home and at school.

The Internet is great because:

  • You can learn lots of things.
  • You can have lots of fun.
  • It can help with your school work.
  • You can stay in touch with friends and family.

Some online dangers include:

  • Cyber Bullying—nasty text messages and emails, swearing on X boxes.
  • Stranger Danger—Some people, who we talk to online, we don’t know, so they are strangers.
  • Bad Language—Sometimes when we are online, we can see or hear swear words that might upset us.
  • Content Online—some material online is not suitable for children to look at.
  • Viruses—some emails can contain viruses.


What is Online Safety?

  • Online Safety means electronic safety.
  • Online Safety is important because it helps to keep children safe so they can enjoy, explore and have fun!

Why do we need an Online Safety Policy?

  • To keep children safe on the Internet in school and out
  • To advise children of appropriate content
  • So that children are aware of what to do when something strange occurs or they are worried

If people online are mean or worry me:

What should I do?

  • You can tell an adult you trust straight away.
  • You can try to stay calm.
  • You can report anything that worries you.
  • You can try to ignore the person. 
  • You can block and delete the person.
  • You can keep all messages for evidence.

What should I not do?

  • Do not keep worries to yourself.
  • Do not be unkind or nasty back.
  • Do not get angry or upset.
  • Do not allow the person to keep being unkind.
  • Do not delete messages.
  • Do not bring mobile phones into school if it can be avoided. If brought in, switch off and pass to the teacher and do not switch back on until you leave the school premises.

Who can we tell if we have worries about Online Safety or Cyber-bullying?

  • Friends
  • Family
  • Teachers
  • School Council
  • PCSO ———— 

What our school does to respond to Online Safety issues?

  • We take online safety seriously.
  • We listen to the children involved and offer support.
  • We investigate and look at evidence.
  • We make sure children face up to the consequences of their actions.
  • We contact parents or carers.

What does the school provide to keep us safe?

  • The school maintains anti-virus software to keep viruses away
  • The school maintains Internet filters to keep us from seeing inappropriate content
  • The school keeps access to i-Pads and Laptops secure
  • The school keeps our network and Wi-Fi access secure
  • The school makes sure all staff have training to help keep children safe on the Internet
  • The school provides a list of appropriate websites
  • The school keeps searching safe on Google and other search engines

Our Internet Rules:

  • We ask permission before using the Internet
  • We use websites our teachers have advised us to look at
  • We only e-mail people our teachers have asked us to
  • When we send e-mails they are polite and friendly
  • We never give out our address or telephone numbers
  • We never arrange to meet anyone we don’t know
  • We don’t open e-mails from people we don’t know
  • We tell a teacher if we see anything that we are unhappy with

How should we act on the Internet?

  • S – Keep your personal information SAFE and SECURE
  • M – Do not agree to meet anyone from the Internet; they may not be who you think they are
  • A – Do not ACCEPT messages or e-mails from somebody you don’t know.
  • R – Remember, do not always trust the information you find on the Internet; it may not be correct
  • T – If something or someone upsets you on the Internet TELL a trusted adult in school or at home

Stop, Speak, Support – Cyberbullying guidance for children

New code helps you tackle cyberbullying – Created by young people for young people, the code offers simple steps to take positive action to deal with cyberbullying.

There are some things to remember when you are surfing the internet.

  1. Treat your password like your toothbrush – keep it to yourself!
  2. Keep your home address, your phone number or email address off the internet, Tiktok, Snapchat, MSN and chat rooms.
  3. Learn to report someone who is behaving badly.
  4. Save the evidence – learn to save emails or on-line conversations.
  5. Don’t retaliate or reply.
  6. Always respect others – think carefully about what you are typing.
  7. Tell someone you trust if you see something that worries or upsets you.
  8. Remember what you have learned in school – use that at home.

Resources for children to use

Below are some links that children themselves can access for help when navigating the tricky subject of online safety,

Reception – Year 2

Below are a number of links that are tailored for children in the younger year groups.

Year 3 – Year 6

Below are links more suitable for older children.

Links for Children

There are lots of great things to do on the Internet from playing games, looking for something for school, listening to music, watching video clips or just looking for cool stuff. But you also need to know how to stay safe online and what to do if you come across something you don’t like.

Think U Know for 5 to 7 year olds – 5, 6 or 7? This website has been set up just for you, to help you go on the internet in a safe way and know who to talk to if you are worried.

Think U Know for 8 to 10 year olds – showing you what’s good on the Internet. Have a look at what’s not and shows you ways you can get yourself out of bad situations.

Kids Smart – gives advice on how to stay safe on the Internet, whatever you are doing including searching for information, playing games, listening to music and entering competitions.

CBBC Stay Safe: Advice on Internet Safety – includes interactive clips from Tracy Beaker, a Newsround Special and Dongle’s Guide to be SMART.

Links for parents and carers

Using the internet can make learning fun, fast and easy. Whether researching a school project, chatting with frends or playing a game, you can help your child surf safely and feel confident about learning online. The following sites offer help to keeping you and your child safe online:

BBC Webwise online safety course – this site gives advice on not only keeping your child safe, but also gives tips on what adults should be doing for themselves too.

Think U Know – Parents and Carers – produced by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP). Their site offers really good advice on keeping your child safe online.

UK Council for Child Internet Safety– offering advice on Cyberbullying, Social Netwroking, downloading files and online gaming as well as general advice on keeping your child safe online.